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Friday, September 13, 2013

Thoughts on my Life
Who am I?You sure you want to know?
The Story of my life is not for the faint of heart.
But let me assure you.
The Woman I've loved since before I liked girls
I'd like to tell you that's me next to her.
What a geek
Don't even think about it.
You're so lame
You flunked out
Don't ever be ashamed of who you are.
I am not ashamed of who I am
I don't know if you realize this.
I thought it'd be time to get to know each other.
Whatever it is,it's something I never felt before.
You're changing.I went through exactly the same thing at your age.
The end of one thing, the start of something new

German Version

Wer bin ich? Sie sicher, dass Sie das wissen?
Die Geschichte meines Lebens ist nichts für schwache Nerven.
Aber lassen Sie mich Ihnen versichern.
Die Frau, die ich seit bevor ich mochte Mädchen geliebt habe
Ich möchte Ihnen sagen, das ist mir neben ihr.
Was ein Geek
Denken Sie nicht einmal darüber nachdenken.
Du bist so lahm
Sie durchgefallen out
Nicht immer schämen, wer Sie sind.
Ich schäme mich nicht, wer ich bin
Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie dies zu realisieren.
Ich dachte, es wäre Zeit, sich gegenseitig kennen zu lernen.
Was immer es ist, es ist etwas, das ich nie zuvor gefühlt.
Du wechselst Ich ging durch genau die gleiche Sache in deinem Alter.

Das Ende einer Sache, der Beginn von etwas Neuem

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The only word being inserted in my mind is BOLLYWOOD/HINDI.My motherland Nepal is neighbourhood country to India.It actually affects more positively as well as less negatively in my entire life since I knew this things. In context of all the related channels,shows,movies,music,standard of living,means of communication,stuffs, e.t.c. had been really inspired and influenced on me.These are vast flourished and achievement in this modern century.All these stuffs  have been tremendously fonded by me.Heart-touching and Sustainable concerned archives,informations,skills,ideas,knowledge,e.t.c have been imparted on me till now that I cannot forget till my last breath. So I also recommend and advise to our upcoming generations being followed this Bollywood stuffs.I Hope Indian People will create and do their outstanding creativity and incredible works/efforts on related things that make people entertainment,fun,memorable activities in long term.Especially Nepalese people should be reached and made the amazing peak in this sector as well as in future prosperity.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I am making ridiculously little progress
It's shame you came here wounded.
You stuck by me
How can you be a skeptic
Violence doesn't discriminate
 The battle of good versus evil is never-ending,Because evil always survives

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss do by yourself

5 Natural tips to prevent hair loss that I have learnt from different related sources:

1. Heat oil Treatment:
Oils like Olive,Canola,Coconut,etc. that must be warm
Massage it gently into your scalp.Put on a shower cap.Leave it on for an hour and then shampoo your hair.

2.Natural Juices
Rub your scalp with garlic,onion,ginger juices through the process and use of Blender/Mixer.Leave it on overnight and wash it thoroughly in the morning.

3. Get a head Massage
Good Circulation in your scalp keeps hair follicles active and helps to grow soon.

4. Anti-oxidants Food Products Intake

5. Practice Medication
Believe it or not,In this modern times, the root cause for hair loss is stress and tension.

German Version

5 Natürliche Tipps, um Haarausfall, dass ich gelernt habe aus verschiedenen verwandten Quellen zu verhindern:

1. Öl erhitzen Behandlung:
Öle wie Oliven-, Raps, Kokosnuss, usw. das muss warm sein
Massieren Sie es sanft in die Kopfhaut Setzen Sie auf eine Dusche cap.Leave es für eine Stunde und dann Shampoo Ihr Haar.

2.Natural Säfte
Reiben Sie Ihre Kopfhaut mit Knoblauch, Zwiebel, Ingwer Säfte durch den Prozess und die Verwendung von Blender / Mixer Lassen Sie es über Nacht und waschen Sie es gründlich in den Morgen.

3. Holen Sie sich eine Kopfmassage
Gute Durchblutung in der Kopfhaut hält Haarfollikel aktiv und hilft, schnell zu wachsen.

4. Anti-Oxidantien Lebensmitteln Einnahme

5. Praxis Medication
Ob Sie es glauben oder nicht, in dieser modernen Zeit, ist die Ursache für Haarausfall Stress und Anspannung

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I have come a long way from being the boy who was bit by a spider
Back then,nothing seemed to go right for me
Stick around.It's gonna start again in a couple minutes
I guess I have had something to do with that
and I am in love with the girl of my dreams
It's the acoustics(science of sound)

Some Love Sayings

Beyond imagination but within the reach of belief
The heart has created an illusion that she is in love with me,
The one dream I saw,has become so many dreams now.
In these roses all around I see the blossoming of love
i wish you would see beyond the roses,

On my breath lingers my fragrance
This is the magic of your love
Your voice rings in my ears

Nature is painted in the colours of love
My heart beats to your song
Shyness crossed my lips sealed
My heart is for you to keep
Let me hide you in my arms
I hold you in my eyes
there shines upon my path brilliant light

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I had Something else in my mind
what makes you think for a second,a minute,a hour,a day,a week,a month,a year and till your last breath
I would risk my life doing anything for you?
I have great confidence in you.
What do you think we gonna do about that.
What if I could help you?
It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks
And there is only one image I hold in my eyes
Till date,my pangs of joblessness haunts my plays
Where did you acquire that voice of yours?
Pleasure is fleeting
The pain you always remember
It makes no difference where you are in or out.
I have all the time in the world.
I have even time for myself.
Life is not mere breathing to  live.
Breathing is no more than a habit.
You people bound by customs and traditions in this world.

Love,friendship,Religion,Patriotism,etc .All these are hollow words.
They have nothing to do with reality.But there's still time.
Scream you may,but you will never hear the echoes of your screams.
Live you cannot as you wish to live
You cannot speak,what you wish to.
You cannot even think what you want to think.